One stop solution for payment providers.

Univapay is a payments gateway application developed in-house which provides a one stop solution for merchants to access a plethora of different payment providers, from credit card payments, to QR code based systems, bank transfers and more.

We’ll work with you to grow your career

We are also conscious that every engineer has their own opinions about their own career growth. There will be an annual review about the direction you would like to move their career forward and to the best of our ability try to align that with the type of tasks you are assigned. We also conduct monthly 1 on 1s to gather feedback about any pain points that we can alleviate.

Highly collaborative environment

We cultivate a highly collaborative and open environment where everyone is able to contribute to feature development and library selection.

Highly scalable and available system

We always strive to develop a highly scalable and available system that uses the latest cutting edge technologies with the lowest operating costs.

International team

Our members hail from thirteen different countries, including many from the U.S., France, China, Taiwan, Singapore, and Korea. When you do come to the office, we make it pleasant We have an in-house café where you can enjoy free drinks while playing billiards or darts. We also allow you to commute by bicycle, something which Japanese companies often forbid.

Extended health insurance

With our Univa Mutual Insurance (medical coverage), should you be hospitalized due to illness, you’ll receive up to 13,500 yen per day, up to a ¥270,000 lump-sum payment for long-term hospitalization of 60 days or more.


Remote Work

We are a fully remote work team.

Working Hours

We offer full flex time.

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